Previously, he was a postdoc and project scientist at UC San Diego, where he also received his PhD
Previously, he was a postdoc and project scientist at UC San Diego, where he also received his PhD
Related Disease
Immune Disorders, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Inflammatory/Autoimmune Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes
Phenomena or Processes
Cell Biology
Anatomical Systems and Sites
Immune System and Inflammation
Techniques and Technologies
Dennis works in the Bradley lab where he investigates autoimmune disease and immune checkpoint modulators that can be used to block autoimmune disease or promote an immune response to virus or tumor cells.
Otero DC, Fares-Frederickson NJ, Xiao M, Baker DP, David M
J Immunol 2015 Jun 1 ;194(11):5120-8Otero DC, Baker DP, David M
J Immunol 2013 Apr 1 ;190(7):3289-98Moro H, Otero DC, Tanabe Y, David M
PLoS One 2011 ;6(9):e24972