Pedal the Cause: Team SBP pedals for Luke - Sanford Burnham Prebys
Institute News

Pedal the Cause: Team SBP pedals for Luke


September 18, 2015

Team SBP is proud to be a part of Pedal the Cause’sRide for a Childprogram, a partnership with the cancer research fundraiser’s newest beneficiary, Rady Children’s Hospital. It is a wonderful way to connect Pedal the Cause teams with children undergoing cancer treatment.

Team SBP is honored to be riding for Luke Sybert.

Luke is a delightful 10-year-old boy who loves to dance. He was diagnosed with osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in November 2014. Luke just completed chemotherapy treatments this month at Rady Children’s Hospital and is looking forward to being outside and exploring the world again.

So when Luke—who really wanted to get his toes in the sand at the beach and maybe check out some sea life under the surface—was told by his medical team to wait a few more weeks, Team SBP members James Short, Brian James, and Liz Schwarzbach stepped in. They helped arrange a behind-the-scenes visit at the Birch Aquarium at Scripps.

Luke, the team members, and his family—guided by aquarist Fernando Nosratpour—got up close and personal with the animals. Luke especially enjoyed meeting the giant Pacific octopus. It appeared the octopus enjoyed meeting Luke too, as it proceeded to wrap itself all the way around Luke’s arm for a full-body handshake. Luke couldn’t stop laughing! It was great moment of joy and just one of the many reasons why we’re all working so hard to improve cancer treatment.

The third annual Pedal the Cause event takes place this weekend, September 19-20, 2015 and will feature multiple courses for people with different cycling abilities. This is the only multi-day cycling fundraiser to support cancer research in San Diego. All funds raised through Pedal the Cause will go directly to the region’s three NCI-designated cancer centers, Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute, UC San Diego, and the Salk Institute, as well as Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego.

What: Pedal the Cause San Diego When: September 19-20, 2015

Where: Starts on the UC San Diego campus    3755 Voigt Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037

Donate: You can still donate to Team SBP here   (Donations can still be made after the race this weekend)