Looking for answers: Zebrafish and humans, much closer than we think! - Sanford Burnham Prebys

Looking for answers

Zebrafish and humans, much closer than we think!

DateOct 4, 2021
Time10:30-11:30AM PT
Heikoff Giant Dome Theater
Fleet Science Center
1875 El Prado
San Diego, CA 92101
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Sharp Minds Lecture Series

The Fleet Science Center is very excited to bring the Sharp Minds Lecture series back to an in-person event in the beautiful Heikoff Giant Dome Theater.

Developmental diseases – especially in children – are complicated, if not impossible, to study due to the lack of access to the damaged organ. In this talk, Dr. Matalonga-Borrel will discuss how zebrafish represents an excellent vertebrate model to bring new cutting edge treatments to patients suffering from Diabetes to rare diseases such as Alagille Syndrome.

For free entry, use promo code: SBPMDI


Jonatan Matalonga-Borrel, PhD
Postdoctal Asociate
Dong Lab