The inaugural La Jolla Aging Meeting (or LJAM), a 1-day symposium with an exciting program featuring aging research going on here in San Diego and beyond!
Elizabeth Blackburn, PhD
President, SALK
Keynote Speaker
Malene Hansen, PhD
Opening Remarks; Chair, Glenn Awardee session
Jan Karlseder, PhD
Chair, morning session
Peter D. Adams, PhD
Targeting senescence to promote healthy aging
Anastasia Lobanova
Denchi Lab, TSRI
Telomere function in neural progenitors and differentiated neurons
Abby Buchwalter, Ph.D.
Hetzer Lab, SALK
Nucleolar activity increases in both premature and physiological aging
Kim D. Finley, PhD
The impact of aging and autophagy on the acute and long-term traumatic brain injury responses of Drosophila
Greg Solis
Petrascheck Lab, TSRI
A longevity mechanism that remains plastic in old organisms
Michael Stec
Sacco Lab, SBPMDI
Role of STAT3 signaling in skeletal muscle stem cell agin
Romain Chassefeyre, PhD
Encalada Lab, TSRI
Kinesin-1 dependent targeting of a prion mutant from the Golgi to pre-lysosomal compartments mediates prion aggregation in neurons
Shrek Chalasani, PhD
Neuronal control of aging in C. elegans
Rolf Bodmer, PhD
Chair, afternoon session
Leanne Jones, PhD
Age-related changes stem cells and the stem cell niche
Tina Wang
Ideker Lab, UCSD
Epigenetic aging signatures in mice livers are slowed by dwarfism, calorie restriction and rapamycin treatment
Alejandro Ocampo, PhD
Belmonte Lab, SALK
Epigenetic reprogramming of aging
Bruno Conti, PhD
Igf1r signaling regulates temperature during calorie restriction