Treating Disease with Sugars - Sanford Burnham Prebys

Treating Disease with Sugars

DateFeb 27 - 28, 2015
Time9:00AM-1:00PM PT
Sanford Children’s Health Research Center
10905 Road to the Cure, San Diego, CA 92121
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  • Hudson Freeze, PhD

6th Annual Rare Disease Day Symposium

Simple sugars can treat patients with rare diseases, but these supplements can also impact aging, immune function and development of diabetes. Clinical trials are underway, but the underlying basic science remains obscure. 

Our program covers all of these areas and our speakers will offer some explanations. Clinicians, patients, and their advocates are invited to join bench scientists, present data, explore mysteries, advance theories and offer hope. Join us. 

Poster   Symposium Agenda

Speaker Videos

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