Is your science trivia knowledge at the level of an elite scientist or a high-school biology student? Try your hand at this week’s CELSIUS quiz.
The answers to last week’s questions follow the quiz.
The periodic table was invented in 1869 by:
- Dmitry Medeleyev—Russian chemist
- Friedrich Miescher—Swiss physician and biologist
- Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac—French chemist and physicist
- William Ramsay—Scottish chemist
How fast does your DNA replicate?
- 50 nucleotides per second
- 500 nucleotides per second
- 5,000 per second
- 5,000,000 per minute
In English, Drosophila melanogaster translates to:
- Black-bellied dew lover
- Yellow-winged vinegar fly
- Brick-red eyed sap swarmer
- White-eyed honey puffs
Which element has the lowest boiling point?
- Helium
- Hydrogen
- Nitrogen
- Argon
We all know that humans have 46 chromosomes, but how many does a donkey have?
- 38
- 46
- 62
- 112
Answers to last week’s questions:
1. Galileo’s last name is Galilei:!/people/galileo-9305220
2. The half-life of DNA is 521 years:
3. Arsphenamine (Salvarson) was discovered by Paul Ehrlich:
4. Humans share 50 percent of their genes with bananas:
5. RNA comprises 5 percent of the weight of human cell:
See you next week!