Aging Archives - Sanford Burnham Prebys

After a successful teaching career at the University of Michigan I have had the privilege to “reboot” my research career at Sanford Burnham Prebys where I have had the opportunity to develop novel methodologies to understand cardiomyopathy. I have also had the opportunity to work with NASA scientists to do experiments on the International Space Station.


Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, Neurochemistry
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Texas Medical School, Houston, TX, Neuroscience NIMH 
PhD, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, Neuroscience NIMH 
B.A., Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, Biology 

Prestigious Runding Awards or Major Collaborative Grants

2015-2020: NIH R01 HL132241-01A1 – Using Drosophila genetics to identify molecular links between ion channel dysfunction and pathological cardiac remodeling. (PI) 2013-2018 NASA NRA #NNH12ZTT001N – The effects of microgravity on cardiac function, structure and gene expression using the Drosophila model. (Co-I)

Honor and Awards

2014: Space Florida International Space Station Research Competition Winner – Co-investigator – One of three Basic Research proposals selected for launch aboard SpaceX3 – Mission completed, live flies returned on May 18,2014
2001: Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Michigan
1997: Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Michigan
1986-1988: National Institute of Mental Health Fellowship
1983-1985: National Institute of Mental Health Fellowship
1981: Sigma Xi Research Award 1980 MBL Scholarship, Neural Systems and Behavior Course
1971-1975: National Merit Scholarship, Lehigh University

Board Appointments

2018-present: Board member American Society for Gravitational and Space Research

Select Publications

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Dr. Adams most recently led the Epigenetics Unit at the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research and the University of Glasgow, Institute of Cancer Sciences, in Scotland. He has also held positions at Wistar Institute (University of Pennsylvania), Drexel University and Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia.

Peter D. Adams obtained his BA in biochemistry at the University of Oxford, England and his PhD at Imperial Cancer Research Fund (now CR-UK). He did postdoctoral work with Dr. William G. Kaelin, Jr. at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Peter D. Adams is co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal Aging Cell.


  • 1993: PhD, Signal Transduction, Imperial Cancer Research Fund (CRUK), London, UK (Dr. Peter Parker, advisor)
  • 1989: B.A., Biochemistry, Oxford University, England

Honors and Recognition

  • 2003-2008: Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Scholar
  • 1999-2001: W.W. Smith Charitable Trust Fellowship
  • 1999-2001: V Foundation Scholar
  • 1995-1996: Cancer Research Foundation of America Fellowship
  • 1993-1995: SERC/NATO Fellowship
  • 1989: B.A. with Honors in Biochemistry, Oxford University, UK
  • 1986: Awarded a Distinction in Oxford University Preliminary Examinations
  • 1984-1989: 1984-1989: Exhibition holder for Academic Achievement at Oxford University, UK
  • 1983: Lane Scholarship for Academic Achievement at King Henry VIII School, UK

Select Publications

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Cytoplasmic chromatin triggers inflammation in senescence and cancer.

Dou Z, Ghosh K, Vizioli MG, Zhu J, Sen P, Wangensteen KJ, Simithy J, Lan Y, Lin Y, Zhou Z, Capell BC, Xu C, Xu M, Kieckhaefer JE, Jiang T, Shoshkes-Carmel M, Tanim KMAA, Barber GN, Seykora JT, Millar SE, Kaestner KH, Garcia BA, Adams PD, Berger SL

Nature 2017 Oct 19 ;550(7676):402-406