Drosophila Archives - Sanford Burnham Prebys
Institute News

“Flying” high to understand what happens when hearts don’t get enough oxygen

AuthorSusan Gammon

October 23, 2017

A good supply of oxygen is important for the survival of tissue, but it’s especially critical for organs with high-energy demands, such as the heart. Lack of oxygen (hypoxia) can occur under a variety of conditions, including high altitude, inflammation and cardiopulmonary disorders such as heart attacks and blood clots. Understanding how the heart compensates—or doesn’t compensate—under hypoxic conditions can open avenues to find treatments for hypoxia-related cardiac diseases.

Rolf Bodmer, PhD, director and professor of the Development, Aging and Regeneration Program, and Karen Ocorr, PhD, assistant professor at SBP, study hypoxia in the Drosophila model. Drosophila, a common fruit fly about 3mm long has a heart that doesn’t look much like a human’s—it’s a long tube—but it has many of the same components and genes as a human heart, making it a very useful model to study how genes and environmental conditions affect heart function.

Bodmer and Ocorr’s new study, published in the journal Circulation Cardiovascular Genetics, looked into how hypoxia can lead to long-term heart defects in Drosophila. Their research team studied two sets of flies that underwent different hypoxia treatments: Set (1) flies were subjected to chronic hypoxia for three weeks (hypoxia-treated flies), which is about half of a fly’s life, and Set (2) flies were selected for survival in hypoxic conditions over 250 generations (hypoxia-selected) flies.

While there were some significant differences discovered in the hearts of the two sets of flies, one thing was the same—the expression profile of calcineurin genes were much lower under both conditions.

“Calcineurin is actually an enzyme that promotes the enlargement of the heart (hypertrophy) under some prolonged stress conditions,” says Bodmer. “In mammals, we knew that inhibiting calcineurin reduces the pathological condition of an enlarged heart, but we didn’t know how calcineruin worked in long-term hypoxia, where hypertrophy is a defining feature of diseases linked to chronic hypoxia, most notably known as chronic mountain sickness, which is notorious for affecting high altitude dwellers in the Andes, but surprisingly not as much in Tibet.

Using calcineurin knockdown flies, the team found that without the enzyme, hearts were impaired in normal oxygen conditions. In hypoxic conditions, the damage was even worse, suggesting a careful balance of pro- and antigrowth signaling is necessary for a well-functioning and responsive heart.

“Our study in Drosophila shows that reduced cardiac calcineurin levels cause heart defects that mimic some characteristics we see during long-term hypoxia,” explains Bodmer. “Since calcineurin genes are very similar between Drosophila and human—approximately 75% identical—we believe that reduced levels of calcineurin in mammals—including humans—may play a crucial role in the progression of heart disease during long-term hypoxia exposure, and help understand cardiac complications associated with hypoxia, including population living at high altitude.”

Institute News

Getting to the bottom of potentially fatal heart rhythm defects

AuthorJessica Moore

February 6, 2017

Imagine your otherwise healthy child fainted while playing soccer and was diagnosed with long QT syndrome, a heart rhythm problem that can cause the heart to stop. You’d probably want something major done to keep that from happening, but that may not be necessary. Fewer than 10 percent of long QT syndrome patients ever experience cardiac arrest—figuring out which 10 percent could save lives.

“In patients with long QT syndrome, implanted defibrillators are becoming more widely used, but that’s a major surgery, and the devices aren’t perfect. Cardiologists would prefer to only use them in patients most at risk of dying, but right now, they can only approximate that risk using clinical measures and medical history,” says Karen Ocorr, PhD, an assistant professor at SBP. “The research I’m doing now could help doctors make better recommendations in the future.”

In long QT syndrome, which affects about 1 in 5,000 people, the heart is slow to return to its normal electrical state after contracting. The inherited form of the condition is caused by mutations in proteins called ion channels that are responsible for moving ions back out of heart muscle cells after they contract to restore their normal resting charge.

Ocorr is modeling long QT syndrome using fruit flies, which have a similar heart rate to that of humans and analogous ion channels controlling their hearts’ electrical activity. Her lab studies flies that lack the ion channels in which mutations cause long QT—in humans, those ion channels are called KCNQ and hERG.

“We’re looking at how the absence of the fly equivalents of KCNQ or hERG influences electrical activity and heart rhythm in different genetic backgrounds, our goal is to identify cellular interactions and genetic variants that make the effects of long QT worse or better,” explains Ocorr. “As genetic sequencing becomes more common in the clinic, our results could translate to a way of identifying which patients are most at risk of cardiac arrest.”

“We’ve seen that the hearts of flies without these ion channels change structurally,” Ocorr adds. “Understanding why that happens will have implications for preventing sudden cardiac arrest.”

Ocorr was recently awarded an R01 grant from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). This is the first R01 of her career, which hasn’t been typical—rather than moving directly from postdoctoral training to a faculty position, she first worked in industry and then spent many years teaching and developing internet learning tools at the University of Michigan.

“It’s unusual, but it is possible to start an independent scientific career later in life,” Ocorr says. “I hope my example shows others that they can come back to academia after other pursuits.”

Institute News

Novel model for cardiomyopathy paves the way for new therapies


May 29, 2015

A new fruit fly model that captures key metabolic defects associated with cardiomyopathy could translate into more-effective treatments for this potentially deadly heart condition, according to a study conducted by researchers at Sanford-Burnham and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in Spain. The findings, published April 9 in Human Molecular Genetics, could also have broader clinical implications for human metabolic diseases affecting other organ systems such as the liver and skeletal muscle. Continue reading “Novel model for cardiomyopathy paves the way for new therapies”