Neuroscience, Aging, and Stem Cells Archives - Sanford Burnham Prebys
Institute News

Using stem cells to study the biochemistry of learning

AuthorMiles Martin

August 18, 2022

A method for studying human neurons could help researchers develop approaches for treating Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia and other neurological diseases

Researchers from the Conrad Prebys Center for Chemical Genomics have developed a procedure to use neurons derived from human stem cells to study the biological processes that control learning and memory. The method, described in Stem Cell Reports, uses electrodes to measure the activity of neuronal networks grown from human-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). The procedure tracks how synapses—the connections between neurons—strengthen over time, a process called long-term potentiation (LTP).

“Impaired long-term potentiation is thought to be central to many neurological diseases, including Alzheimer’s, addiction and schizophrenia,” says senior author Anne Bang, PhD, director of Cell Biology at the Prebys Center. “We’ve developed an approach to study this process in human cells much more efficiently than current methods, which could help trigger future breakthroughs for researchers working on these diseases.”

LTP helps our brain encode information, which is what makes it so critical for learning and memory. Impairment of LTP is thought to contribute to neurological diseases, but it has proven difficult to verify this hypothesis in human cells.

LTP helps our brain encode information, which is what makes it so critical for learning and memory. Impairment of LTP is thought to contribute to neurological diseases, but it has proven difficult to verify this hypothesis in human cells.

Anne Bang, PhD, director of Cell Biology at the Prebys Center.

“LTP is such a fundamental process,” says Bang. “But the human brain is hard to study directly because it’s so inaccessible. Using neurons derived from human stem cells helps us work around that.”

Although LTP can be studied in animals, these studies can’t easily account for some of the more human nuances of neurological diseases.

“A powerful aspect of human stem cell technology is that it allows us to study neurons produced from patient stem cells. Using human cells with human genetics is important in these types of tests because many neurological diseases have complex genetics underpinning them, and it’s rarely just one or two genes that influence a disease,” adds Bang.

To develop the method, first author and Prebys Center staff scientist Deborah Pré, PhD, grew networks of neurons from healthy human stem cells, added chemicals known to initiate LTP and then used electrodes to monitor changes in neuronal activity that occurred throughout the process.

The method can run 48 tests at once, and neurons continue to exhibit LTP up to 72 hours after the start of the experiment. These are distinct advantages over other approaches, which can often only observe parts of the process and are low throughput, which can make getting results more time consuming.

For this study, the researchers used neurons grown from healthy stem cells to establish a baseline understanding of LTP. The next step is to use the approach on neurons derived from patient-derived stem cells and compare these results to the baseline to see how neurological diseases influence the LTP process.

“This is an efficient method for interrogating human stem cell–derived neurons,” says Bang. “Doing these tests with patient cells could open doors for researchers to discover new ways of treating neurological diseases.”

Institute News

SBP and GSK create new Center for Translational Neuroscience


April 20, 2016

SBP and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), a global pharmaceutical company, have announced the creation of the SBP-GSK Center for Translational Neuroscience. The new Center, located on the SBP campus in La Jolla, will bring together experts from SBP and GSK to investigate factors that influence brain function and potentially reverse or slow down neurodegeneration, with the aim of identifying and validating new therapeutic targets. Under the three year agreement, GSK will provide funding to create and support a research laboratory. Staffed by SBP scientists, postdoctoral candidates and technicians working alongside neuroscientists from GSK, the Center will be designed to bolster research dedicated to translational neuroscience. Continue reading “SBP and GSK create new Center for Translational Neuroscience”

Institute News

New Department of Defense grant funds efforts to treat ALS with stem cells


January 28, 2016

Evan Snyder, MD, PhD, director of the Center for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine and a professor in SBP’s Human Genetics Program, was awarded a grant to develop a stem cell treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, involves degeneration and death of motor neurons (which control voluntary muscles), causing difficulty speaking, swallowing, and eventually breathing. No available treatments can slow the progression of ALS, which affects approximately 20,000 people in the U.S.

As new therapies are urgently needed, the Department of Defense announced a funding program for new therapeutic ideas in ALS in 2015. Snyder received one of eight grants awarded in this competitive program.

This grant will support research on human neural stem cells (hNSCs) as an approach to support the survival and function of existing motor neurons. The Snyder lab is modifying hNSCs so that they can be administered via the bloodstream and home to the spinal cord. This strategy allows the stem cells to become distributed throughout the spinal cord, overcoming a previous limitation. Snyder’s team has already shown that transplanted NSCs improved motor performance, respiratory function, and symptom-free survival in a mouse model of ALS.

hNSCs are already in phase I clinical trials for ALS, which have shown that this therapy is safe. These trials were possible in part because of the Snyder lab’s pioneering work in preclinical models. The current research promises to lead to an improved version of this therapy.

Institute News

The Future of Neuroscience Workshop


December 14, 2015

On Tuesday, December 2, SBP held “The Future of Neuroscience Workshop,” an event where SBP faculty shared their findings on what causes neurological disorders and presented their ideas on new directions and approaches to treat brain diseases.

It’s estimated that more than 50 million Americans are affected by neurological disorders. However, many disorders do not have an approved treatment or are in need of newer, more effective treatments. SBP is discovering the underlying mechanisms of neurological disorders, and identifying new disease targets that will lead to innovative treatments to prevent, slow, or even reverse these complex conditions.

The broad list of diseases under investigation included Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, brain tumors, schizophrenia, depression, multiple sclerosis, as well as neurocognitive disorders caused by infection and inflammation. Many faculty presented data describing the basic biological processes that have gone awry and contribute to dysfunction, revealing “druggable” targets in the brain that may be modulated to improve the health of patients.

A special session on the technology and platforms available for research covered homing mechanisms that enhance the delivery of drugs to the brain, the application of stem cells to discover drugs, using stem cells to potentially restore damaged cells and tissue, and new lab tools to create small-molecules that can penetrate the blood-brain barrier to treat central nervous system disorders.

As SBP moves into 2016, we have a clear picture of the challenges and opportunities to advance our research to create new, better treatments to improve the lives of individuals and their families affected by neurological disorders.

Institute News

How protein tangles accumulate in the brain and cause neurological disorders


September 2, 2015

A new Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute (SBP) study takes a step forward in understanding how similar, yet genetically unrelated neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, frontal temporal dementia, and progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) are caused by the protein tau. The findings, published today in Neuron, create new opportunities to target this key protein that leads to the brain lesions found in patients with impaired motor functions and dementia. Continue reading “How protein tangles accumulate in the brain and cause neurological disorders”

Institute News

Discovery of new role of SOX2 protein sheds light on neurogenesis in the adult brain


April 21, 2015


Newborn neurons generated from neural progenitor cells in a brain region called the hippocampus play an important role in learning and memory in adults. However, the molecular mechanisms that control this neurogenesis process have not been fully understood. Sanford-Burnham researchers recently shed new light on this question by discovering a key role of a protein called SOX2 in neuronal development. As reported online in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, SOX2 promotes the activation of genes involved in differentiation, enabling neural progenitor cells to turn into mature neurons in the brains of adult mice. Continue reading “Discovery of new role of SOX2 protein sheds light on neurogenesis in the adult brain”

Institute News

What’s the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S.? Alzheimer’s disease.


November 7, 2014

November is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. If you know nine people over the age of 65, at least one of them has Alzheimer’s disease. Learn 10 facts about the disease that may change your life, and check out highlights of how Sanford-Burnham is contributing to the efforts to diagnose, prevent, and treat this devastating disease. Continue reading “What’s the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S.? Alzheimer’s disease.”