heart failure Archives - Sanford Burnham Prebys
Institute News

How heart stress affects your entire body’s metabolism

AuthorJessica Moore

April 27, 2017

Heart failure, in which the heart can’t pump enough blood to meet the body’s demands, is currently treated as a mechanical problem of the heart, using medicines that lower blood pressure, help the heart beat stronger, or reduce demand on the heart. But it’s becoming clear that it’s not just a mechanical problem—it’s also a metabolic one.

Even before the heart becomes weaker, it responds to the stresses that produce heart failure by changing the fuels it burns. That results in a reduction in the heart’s metabolic efficiency that worsens the heart’s condition. Since the heart burns so much fuel to keep beating, and consumes fats and carbohydrates along with other available fuels, any changes in its metabolic efficiency could impact metabolism throughout the body.

“Changes in systemic metabolism could also aggravate heart damage,” says E. Douglas Lewandowski, PhD, professor at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute. “Diabetes and metabolic syndrome increase the likelihood of heart failure. Understanding how weakening of the heart affects metabolism and vice versa could lead to new approaches to treatment.”

New therapies for heart failure are urgently needed—it affects almost 6 million people in the U.S. and has only a 50 percent five-year survival rate. It’s also debilitating and costly. Because it reduces the amount of blood that reaches the lungs and muscles, it makes everyday tasks exhausting. And since it causes major symptoms like shortness of breath, rapid or irregular heartbeat, severe weakness and dizziness, and lung congestion, it leads to over 4 million hospitalizations per year.

In a new study, Lewandowski’s lab investigated how the heart sends out metabolic signals in response to stress, long before it becomes physically weakened, and found something surprising in the way the body and other organs respond metabolically to cardiac stress. Publishing in Circulation: Heart Failure, they observed that, upon increasing demand on the heart, the initial whole body metabolic changes are favorable.

“Our results suggest that it may be possible to develop therapies that help prevent heart failure by sustaining beneficial changes in metabolism,” Lewandowski says.

Lewandowski’s team examined the effects of artificially stressing the heart on several indicators of metabolic health, and found that at early stages, they’re all good—increased glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity and changes in fat that make it burn energy. Later, though, those measures showed worse metabolic health.

“Now, we want to figure out how this happens at the molecular level—what signals does the stressed heart send out that change metabolism in other organs?” Lewandowski comments. “Figuring out those details could reveal targets for heart-protecting therapies.”

Institute News

Understanding the diabetic heart

AuthorDeborah Robison

February 22, 2017

Daniel Kelly, MD, cardiologist and director of the Center for Metabolic Origins of Disease at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute in Lake Nona, was interviewed about the effects of diabetes on the cardiovascular system. Here’s a shortened version of that conversation.

How do diabetes and cardiovascular disease intersect?

We see a more aggressive form of heart and vascular disease in diabetics. In addition, diabetic forms of cardiovascular disease appear to have different root causes compared to what we would call run-of-the-mill heart disease in the non-diabetic population. Given the increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes, this form of heart and vascular disease has led to a worldwide health crisis. Moreover, the standard therapies currently used after a heart attack or to prevent a heart attack don’t work nearly as well in diabetics.

How will therapies change in the future?

Therapies aimed at reducing blood pressure, such as diuretics, reduce demands on the failing heart and have been somewhat effective in reducing mortality from heart failure. However, metabolic changes that are distinct from what happens with high blood pressure or a heart attack also contribute to heart failure. Diabetes is a metabolic disease that has profound effects on lipid and fat metabolism. We’re trying to understand whether these metabolic derangements actually promote heart failure in diabetics. This should lead to therapies aimed at the metabolic origins of cardiovascular disease.

How is lipid metabolism related to diabetic heart disease?

Because of what happens to blood sugar in diabetes many physicians have been, if you will, “glucose-centric”. What we’re beginning to find is that the diabetic heart begins to accumulate fat. The heart, liver and other organs can’t use sugar because there is not as much insulin as there should be, and its effects are reduced. Therefore, the organs shift over to use fat as the main fuel. The problem is that this becomes maladaptive and these organs take up too much fat and develop what we refer to as “lipotoxicity.” Reducing the accumulation of fat in the heart ameliorates heart failure in animal models. This is a very exciting finding and raises the question of whether our current therapies for heart failure, which are not directed at all at the lipid problem, will be effective in the diabetic population.

What will future therapies look like for lipotoxicity?

I can envision therapies that work on organs other than the heart, such as at fat tissue, muscle or the liver, that would actually burn up fat. In this regard weight reduction in the obese should be effective. Another approach might be to develop therapies that shut down the import of excess fat into cells, effectively “closing the door” on fat . There is real interest in developing agents that would increase the ability of the heart to use glucose again, which, almost like a teeter­totter, would then reduce the amount of fat going in and would provide a healthy balance of several fuels for the heart.

Institute News

New collaboration will accelerate heart failure research

AuthorJessica Moore

February 21, 2017

The national incidence of heart failure hasn’t changed for 30 years. About half of the people whose hearts fail, or become too weak to pump enough blood to support their organs, die within five years of diagnosis. To understand how heart failure arises as a result of uncontrolled high blood pressure, damage to the heart muscle and coronary artery disease, Doug Lewandowski, PhD, director of Cardiovascular Translational Research at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute (SBP), and senior principal investigator at the Translational Research Institute for Metabolism and Diabetes (TRI-MD), is leading a new collaboration with cardiologists and thoracic surgeons at Florida Hospital.

“Preclinical studies from our lab and others have outlined key steps in how increased demands on the heart ultimately lead to heart failure,” says Lewandowski. “We know that the failing heart is starved of energy—it becomes less and less efficient at converting fuels to ATP—but we don’t know the molecular details of how this happens in humans. To shed light on the matter, we’re collaborating with clinicians to analyze patient heart tissue. To advance this ongoing work, we’re also developing protocols to assess the metabolic health of heart failure patients to confirm potential therapeutic targets and develop metabolic interventions. “

Lewandowski’s team will analyze tissue samples—heart muscle, adjacent fat, and blood—from patients with heart failure. They will measure levels of metabolic enzymes and fat molecules in both heart muscle and fat tissue to get clarity on the interactions that might contribute to heart failure progression. The overall goal is to confirm that the pathological changes in cardiac metabolism that have been observed in experimental systems also take place in patients.

“Heart failure is seriously debilitating, difficult to manage, and a huge drain on health care resources because people whose hearts are failing end up in the hospital repeatedly,” Lewandowski adds. “Finding effective ways to keep the hearts of patients at risk from developing heart failure would be a major advance for public health.”

Institute News

Research SPARCs a new kidney-heart connection

AuthorJessica Moore

May 4, 2016

Karen Ocorr, PhD, assistant professor in the Development, Aging, and Regeneration Program, has devoted her research to understanding the basic cellular mechanisms that contribute to heart disease. People with heart disease have a high risk of developing kidney failure and vice versa, but the connections linking kidney failure and heart failure are not clear. In a new paper published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics, her research team identified a protein called SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine) that helps explain how kidney disease might increase the risk of heart failure.  Continue reading “Research SPARCs a new kidney-heart connection”

Institute News

Doug Lewandowski, PhD, elected as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

AuthorJessica Moore

April 28, 2016

The director of Translational Cardiovascular Research at SBP’s Lake Nona campus was recently named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). E. Douglas Lewandowski, PhD, was one of 33 scientists selected to become a AAAS fellow in the Section on Medical Sciences, recognizing his “distinguished contributions to fundamental aspects of cardiac metabolism and their implications for heart disease.” Continue reading “Doug Lewandowski, PhD, elected as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science”

Institute News

How energy starvation leads to heart failure


February 25, 2016

Almost 6 million people in the US have failing hearts, which can arise following heart attacks, longstanding high blood pressure, defective heart valves or genetic disorders, among other causes. While management of heart failure (HF) is improving, only 50% of patients will survive five years after diagnosis. No current treatments directly treat the disease, particularly at early stages, so development of new preventive or therapeutic drugs could make an enormous difference for patients.  Continue reading “How energy starvation leads to heart failure”

Institute News

Failing hearts switch fuels to generate energy


January 27, 2016

More than 5 million people in the United States suffer from heart failure, according to the American Heart Association. Less than half of those with heart failure survive five years after diagnosis. New research from scientists at SBP published in the journal Circulation may lead to a new approach to help treat heart failure early in the disease. Continue reading “Failing hearts switch fuels to generate energy”

Institute News

Hearts build new muscle with this simple protein patch


September 15, 2015

An international team of researchers has identified a protein that helps heart muscle cells regenerate after a heart attack. Researchers also showed that a patch loaded with the protein and placed inside the heart improved cardiac function and survival rates after a heart attack in mice and pigs. Continue reading “Hearts build new muscle with this simple protein patch”

Institute News

New collaboration strives to find novel treatment approaches for cardiovascular disease


May 28, 2015

Sanford-Burnham today announced it has signed a two-year partnership agreement with Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. of Japan to study the potential role of several gene regulatory proteins as targets for the treatment of heart failure. Based on research conducted in Sanford-Burnham laboratories, the collaborating scientists will screen and develop molecules that have the potential to improve the metabolism and function of the failing heart. Continue reading “New collaboration strives to find novel treatment approaches for cardiovascular disease”

Institute News

A signature for early-stage heart failure could improve diagnosis and prevent disease progression

AuthorGuest Blogger

September 30, 2014

This is a post by our guest writer Janelle Weaver, PhD

Heart failure affects about five million people in the United States, and about half of these individuals die within five years of diagnosis. This condition occurs when the heart can’t pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs, and evidence suggests that abnormalities in energy metabolism play an important role. However, many past studies addressing the underlying molecular mechanisms have focused on severe, late-stage heart failure, potentially missing out on early events that could guide the development of treatment strategies for early disease stages. Continue reading “A signature for early-stage heart failure could improve diagnosis and prevent disease progression”