Technology Supporting the Three Programs
The nine shared resources of our Cancer Center are specialized service facilities that support the cancer research efforts of our members, as well as other nonprofit and for-profit investigators in cancer research.

Animal Resources
Animal Facility
Vivarium with full-service husbandry (colony management, breeding, weaning, tail samples), and procedures, including injections, bleeds, tumor measurements, and surgeries
Animal Imaging and Analysis
Live animal imaging utilizing luminescence, fluorescence, ultrasound, and X-rays. Hematology (CBC) and blood chemistry analysis
Tumor Analysis
Supports xenograft tumor studies including PDX, testing of anti-tumor compound efficacy, deriving cell cultures from PDX models for HTS analysis
Cell Imaging and Histology
Cellular Imaging
11 microscopes: Nikon super resolution/confocal system, three additional confocal systems (including multi-photon), bright field, fluorescence, FRET, laser TIRF, live cell imaging. Microscopes integrated with image capture systems and advanced image analysis software.
Fixed/frozen sections, automated staining for H&E and IHC, laser capture, high resolution slide scanning (bright field and fluorescence), assistance with tissue acquisition, including TMAs
Structural Biology
Protein Analysis
Includes micro-ITC, microscale thermophoresis, Creoptix GCI, DSC, and Analytical Ultracentrifugation
Cryogenic electron microscopy with a Titan Krios (Gatan K3 DDD) and a Tecnai T12 (Eagle 4K CCD)
Flow Cytometry
Flow Cytometry
Core staff operate two BD cell sorters with up to 16 colors, which are housed in biosafety enclosures. There are also five analytical cytometers with up to 18 colors (three equipped with plate loaders), and an Amnis imaging flow cytometer
Genomics and Spatial Transcriptomics
Next-gen sequencing analysis including library prep, sequencing (Illumina NextSeq 500), single-cell sequencing (10X and Bio-Rad ddSeq), and data analysis. Full-service Q-PCR, NanoString nCounter, STR cell line verification, shared analytical equipment
Analysis from simple protein IDs to characterizing proteome-wide PTMs. Automated sample prep, advanced Thermo LC-MS systems include two Fusion Lumos Tribrids, Velos Elite, QExactive plus, and Quantiva. Hardware and software for proteomics data analysis.
Informatics, statistical, and pathway analysis of large ‘omics datasets, data mining, systems biology, investigator training. Dedicated HPC cluster and data storage, shared tools including Qiagen Omicsoft Suite, Ingenuity Pathways, NextBio/Illumina Correlation Engine, GeneGo Metacore
Functional Genomics
Functional Genomics
siRNA/shRNA/miRNA/cDNA/CRISPR libraries, HTS assay development and screening, hit follow-up, CRISPR-engineered cell lines, production of viral vectors (lentivirus, retrovirus, adenovirus, AAV)
Cancer Metabolism
Cancer Metabolism
Measurements of metabolic flux (GC-MS), major metabolites, and cellular respiration
Chemical Library Screening
(no longer a Shared Resource, but part of the collaboration with the Institute’s Prebys Center)
Assay Development
Assists in designing, developing, and and implementing HTS assays in 384/1536 well formats, utilizing a wide variety of assay types, and also supports follow-up SAR studies
High-Throughput Screening
Broad and focused libraries of compounds, including cancer-targeted drugs/compounds. Biochemical and cell-based HTS utilizing extensive robotics and assay instrumentation
High Content Screening
Develops, performs and analyzes high throughput microscopy-based assays on fixed or live cells, utilizing a PE Opera Phenix with integrated robotics or several other HCS systems
Medicinal Chemistry
Custom compound synthesis, library design/synthesis, guidance in hit to lead
Additional Institute and External Shared Resources
Sanford Burnham Prebys Shared Resources
NCI Cancer Centers Council (C3) Shared Resources at nearby Cancer Centers