Immunity and Pathogenesis Archives - Sanford Burnham Prebys
Institute News

A strange research ecosystem: Discussing Lyme disease with Victoria Blaho

AuthorMiles Martin

December 22, 2021

As an infectious disease immunologist studying Lyme disease, Victoria Blaho is one of a rare breed.

Sanford Burnham Prebys assistant professor Victoria Blaho, PhD, investigates the biochemical signals of the immune system and how they impact our bodies’ abilities to fight pathogenic infections, a branch of immunology that has become much less popular since the advent of antibiotics in the early 20th century. 

Blaho’s disease of choice is Lyme disease, an unusual tick-borne bacterial infection that affects some 476,000 people in America each year, a number that is on the rise. 

We caught up with Blaho to talk about why Lyme disease research is important, the progress being made and the work that remains in studying this strange and burdensome disease. 

Why is Lyme disease research important?
Blaho: Lyme research is a very small field for a disease that is becoming bigger and bigger every year. Case counts are increasing for Lyme disease all over the world, and people get very sick from it. Some people are infected, take antibiotics and that’s the end of it. But others have chronic symptoms like arthritis or carditis that can last for years and become completely debilitating.

What makes Lyme difficult to study?
Blaho: One reason is that Lyme is an unusual infection from a microbiological standpoint. In the early days of Lyme research, there were studies showing that the bacteria that caused the disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, could change its physical form from a corkscrew shape to dormant blobs—and the blobs could be causing extended disease. This is a problem because scientists haven’t agreed on the true cause of chronic Lyme disease.

To make matters worse, a lot of the medical field still believes Lyme is easily curable with antibiotics, and if people are still having problems, then it’s psychosomatic. This makes it harder to get support for research into the longer-term inflammatory effects of Lyme. These politics make Lyme disease research a strange ecosystem of patients, physicians, researchers and funding agencies, and this is a barrier to learning more about the disease and helping people find relief.

How does your work enter the picture?
Blaho: I’ve been working on Lyme disease for over 15 years, since I was PhD student. It started because Celebrex was hugely popular at the time to treat arthritis, but nobody had ever studied it in the arthritis that emerges in Lyme disease. Celebrex inhibits an enzyme of the immune system that triggers inflammation, so we figured that Celebrex might work just as well in Lyme arthritis as in other types. But research on mice didn’t bear this out. 
Inflammation doesn’t just peter out when an infections clears. The immune system has to clean up the mess. We discovered in mice that Celebrex inhibits the resolution of inflammation after Lyme disease has resolved, so the arthritis never went away.

Since then, my career has focused on exploring the signaling molecules that regulate inflammation and its resolution. These molecules affect all parts of the immune system and provide us with a whole host of different potential therapeutic targets for inflammatory diseases like chronic Lyme. 

What are the next steps for your Lyme research and for the field at large? 
Blaho: My own immediate next step is to take the work I’ve been doing here at Sanford Burnham Prebys and connect it directly back to my original work with Lyme. My team here is currently working on a signaling molecule called S1P, and while we haven’t studied it in Lyme yet, we think there are connections between it and the immune mediators we first found through those Lyme studies. 

Our next steps are to look for the protein that carries S1P in mice with Lyme disease. This protein is associated with disease susceptibility in other inflammatory illnesses like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and we think it has a role to play in Lyme as well. We’re also planning to partner with the Bay Area Lyme Foundation to see if we can find changes in this protein in their collection of human samples.

More broadly, I think this field is hungry for innovation because there have been a small number of scientists focusing on it. If older ideas about Lyme being simple to treat were the complete picture, we’d already be able to better diagnose and treat patients. But we’re just not there yet.

Lyme may be a lot cleverer than we originally thought, but if we’re able to embrace new technologies and ideas and continue to push forward with new work, we’ll be able to find innovative approaches to fight Lyme and, ultimately, to help people suffering from this horrible disease.

Institute News

Viral tricks inspire autoimmune drug design

AuthorSusan Gammon

November 20, 2017

In the U.S. alone, 24 million people, or eight percent of the population, have autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and psoriasis. Current treatments, including the new wave of biologic therapies, don’t work for all patients so effective new drugs are still desperately needed. Scientists at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute (SBP), publishing in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, may have found a way to make one by studying viral infections.

“Viruses find ways of turning off immune responses so they can avoid being recognized and attacked,” explains John Šedý, PhD, research assistant professor at SBP and lead author of the study. “We looked at the proteins that herpes viruses use to turn down the immune system to figure out how to make a new drug to treat autoimmune disorders.”

Šedý and his team focused on a human protein called HVEM (herpesvirus entry mediator). HVEM dampens immune responses by activating a receptor called BTLA (B and T lymphocyte attenuator).

“In healthy individuals, BTLA is an immune checkpoint—a brake that keeps the immune system from spiraling out of control and causing autoimmune disease,” says Šedý. “We are working toward a prototype drug that activates BTLA to keep the immune system from attacking healthy cells.”

“There is a substantial need for new therapies that can utilize the natural “brakes” of the immune system to turndown the immune system when it gets out of control, explains Carl Ware, PhD, professor and director of the Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases Center at SBP and the senior author of the research. “It has been difficult to design a molecule that turns a checkpoint receptor on, so we’ve sidestepped that hurdle by taking inspiration from biology.”

“HVEM itself won’t work very well as a BTLA-activating drug because it has other important immune regulatory responsibilities, so the side effects could be serious. Looking closely at the structure of a mimic—an HVEM-like protein in a virus—allowed us a way to make it selectively bind to BTLA,” explains Ware.

“Our study provides preliminary evidence that we can modify HVEM in a way that may be a starting point for an autoimmune disease drug,” adds Ware. “This version of HVEM inhibits a signaling process in B cells that has been shown to be essential for driving autoimmunity.”

“Right now we are continuing with our structural analysis of HVEM to design versions that will advance our preclinical studies,” says Ware. “Our goal is to develop an entirely new class of therapies for autoimmune diseases like inflammatory bowel disease and systemic lupus, and other conditions caused by too much inflammation,” says Ware.

Congratulations to Drs. Ware and Sedy! This paper has been viewed more that 250 times on the JBC website.

Institute News

SBP researcher receives NIH Outstanding Investigator Award to study deadly pathogens

AuthorSusan Gammon

June 7, 2016

Francesca Marassi, PhD, professor in SBP’s NCI-designated Cancer Center, has been awarded an Outstanding Investigator Award from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS). The $4 million grant is to study how proteins on the surface of pathogens promote virulence by mediating the first-line interactions with human host cells. The project has important implications for biology and medicine.

“Our initial focus is on a protein called Ail (attachment invasion locus) that is expressed on the outer membrane of Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague,” said Marassi. “The Y. pestis bacterium is highly pathogenic, spreads rapidly and causes an extremely high rate of mortality. Ail is critical for suppressing the human immune defenses and for promoting bacterial invasion”

Although it is sensitive to some antibiotics, the potential use of Y. pestis as a biological weapon has led to its classification as a Tier 1 Biothreat Agent – a designation used by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to identify pathogens and toxins that can be misused to threaten public health or national security.

“The emerging threat of bacterial drug resistance makes our work particularly important,” added Marassi. “We will be using a technology called NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) to determine the three-dimensional structure of Ail and examine how it associates with its human protein partners. Visualizing these biomolecular complexes helps us understand how pathogens engage their human host, and advances our ability to design effective drugs and vaccines for bacteria and viruses,” added Marassi.

Institute News

Study reveals protein that dials immune responses up and down

AuthorJessica Moore

May 25, 2016

Research led by scientists at the Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute (SBP) has identified a new regulator of immune responses. The study, published recently in Immunity, sheds new light on why T cells fail to clear chronic infections and eliminate tumors. The findings open the door for a new approach to modulating T cell responses in many clinical settings, including infections, autoimmune diseases, and tumors that are unresponsive to currently available therapies. Continue reading “Study reveals protein that dials immune responses up and down”

Institute News

New research explains why HIV is not cleared by the immune system


April 13, 2016

Scientists at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute (SBP) and the University of North Carolina (UNC) School of Medicine have identified a human (host) protein that weakens the immune response to HIV and other viruses. The findings, published today in Cell Host & Microbe, have important implications for improving HIV antiviral therapies, creating effective viral vaccines, and advance a new approach to treat cancer. Continue reading “New research explains why HIV is not cleared by the immune system”

Institute News

Symposium brings leaders in tumor immunology to SBP


March 21, 2016

SBP’s La Jolla campus recently hosted a one-day conference on Cancer Immunology and the Tumor Microenvironment, one of the hottest topics in cancer research. The symposium on March 17 attracted approximately 160 attendees from across the La Jolla biomedical research mesa.

The symposium was organized by Carl Ware, PhD and Robert Rickert, PhD, directors of the Inflammatory and Infectious Disease Center and the Tumor Microenvironment and Cancer Immunology Program, respectively. They planned a scientific agenda that covered diverse aspects of research on harnessing the immune system to treat cancer, from improving current immunotherapies to identifying new immunological targets. Talks were given by prestigious scientists including:

Two SBP researchers also presented. Linda Bradley, PhD, professor in the Immunity and Pathogenesis Program, discussed her work on the immune cell surface protein PSGL-1, showing that it regulates PD-1, a so-called “immune checkpoint.” PD-1 is found on T cells and normally acts as on “off switch” to keep the immune system from attacking cells in the body. PD-1 regulators are a new approach to treating cancer that work by unleashing cytotoxic T cells to kill cancer cells.


Adam Godzik, PhD, professor and director of the Bioinformatics and Structural Biology Program, spoke about using bioinformatic analyses to search for new cancer drivers related to the immune response. Cancer drivers are genes that, when altered, are responsible for cancer progression. Combining cancer mutation and protein structure databases, his team has identified many genes involved in immune recognition of tumors.

Institute News

Research points to new ways to treat inflammatory bowel diseases


March 16, 2016

A new paper in Nature co-authored by SBP’s Randal Kaufman, PhD, reveals how briefly reducing dietary amino acids could help patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. The research shows for the first time that a specific amino acid sensor controls gut inflammation.

These results, generated in the laboratory of Bali Pulendran, PhD, of Emory University, could also lead to new drugs for IBD, which are sorely needed—currently available drugs don’t work for many patients.

What was known before this study

The amino acid sensor studied, GCN2, is one of four sensors that activate the integrated stress response (ISR) (the other sensors respond to different types of cellular stress). Activation of the ISR alters gene expression in ways that help cells survive: facilitating efficient utilization of nutrients, combating oxidative stress, and repairing DNA damage. While previous research had shown that the ISR helps limit gut inflammation, this is the first to implicate GCN2.


The findings “highlight the capacity of the immune system to sense and adapt to environmental changes, such as nutritional starvation, that cause cellular stress,” said Kaufman.

“This response may have evolved as a negative feedback mechanism to limit inflammation. This mechanism ensures that sufficient building blocks are available for the tissue regeneration required to repair the damage caused by inflammation and prevents the immune response from getting out of control.”

Implications for IBD

While GCN2’s anti-inflammatory activity can be triggered by a low-amino acid diet, reducing protein intake is not a feasible long-term treatment for IBD because it would generally impair the immune system. If human studies confirm that GCN2 is also protective in human disease, drugs that target GCN2 or later steps in the ISR could be developed to treat IBD.

Next steps

“We plan to investigate whether this pathway is involved in regulating other types of inflammation. If it is, this discovery could be important for treating other diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis,” Kaufman added.

The paper is available online here.

Institute News

Scientists find optimal method for generating regulatory T cells to treat autoimmune disease


March 11, 2016

While we normally think of T cells as recognizing invaders, their roles are more complex. For example, some T cells, called regulatory T cells (Tregs) suppress conventional T cells’ immune responses. Because conventional T cells can escape normal controls and drive autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes, as well as rejection of transplants, Tregs are increasingly viewed as a way to rein in autoimmune diseases. Continue reading “Scientists find optimal method for generating regulatory T cells to treat autoimmune disease”

Institute News

Molecular “brake” prevents excessive inflammation

AuthorGuest Blogger

February 25, 2016

Inflammation is a catch-22: the body needs it to eliminate invasive organisms and foreign irritants, but excessive inflammation can harm healthy cells, contributing to aging and sometimes leading to organ failure and death. A study published in Cell, co-authored by Jorge Moscat, PhD, and Maria Diaz-Meco, PhD, professors in SBP’s NCI-designated Cancer Center, in collaboration with the laboratory of Michael Karin, PhD, at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, shows that a protein known as p62 acts as a molecular brake to keep inflammation in check and avoid collateral damage. Continue reading “Molecular “brake” prevents excessive inflammation”

Institute News

New insight on the development of T cells that promote autoimmune disease


February 8, 2016

Generally, T cells, the policemen of the body, activate immune responses upon finding infected or diseased cells, but some T cells respond the same way to normal cells in the body. If unchecked, such T cells can cause autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and multiple sclerosis. These self-reactive T cells are a recently discovered type of T cell, the TH17 cell. Preventing young T cells from becoming TH17 cells is of major interest as a means to treat autoimmune diseases. Continue reading “New insight on the development of T cells that promote autoimmune disease”