Diabetes - General Archives - Sanford Burnham Prebys

Education and Training

2010: Postdoctoral associate, Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University
2009: PhD, Computer Science, Yale University
2003: M.Phil., Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong
1999: B.Eng., Computer Engineering, The University of Hong Kong

Google Scholar profile

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YouTube: Bioinformatics micro-modules

Select Publications

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Integrative analysis of the Caenorhabditis elegans genome by the modENCODE project.

Gerstein MB, Lu ZJ, Van Nostrand EL, Cheng C, Arshinoff BI, Liu T, Yip KY, Robilotto R, Rechtsteiner A, Ikegami K, Alves P, Chateigner A, Perry M, Morris M, Auerbach RK, Feng X, Leng J, Vielle A, Niu W, Rhrissorrakrai K, Agarwal A, Alexander RP, Barber G, Brdlik CM, Brennan J, Brouillet JJ, Carr A, Cheung MS, Clawson H, Contrino S, Dannenberg LO, Dernburg AF, Desai A, Dick L, Dosé AC, Du J, Egelhofer T, Ercan S, Euskirchen G, Ewing B, Feingold EA, Gassmann R, Good PJ, Green P, Gullier F, Gutwein M, Guyer MS, Habegger L, Han T, Henikoff JG, Henz SR, Hinrichs A, Holster H, Hyman T, Iniguez AL, Janette J, Jensen M, Kato M, Kent WJ, Kephart E, Khivansara V, Khurana E, Kim JK, Kolasinska-Zwierz P, Lai EC, Latorre I, Leahey A, Lewis S, Lloyd P, Lochovsky L, Lowdon RF, Lubling Y, Lyne R, MacCoss M, Mackowiak SD, Mangone M, McKay S, Mecenas D, Merrihew G, Miller DM 3rd, Muroyama A, Murray JI, Ooi SL, Pham H, Phippen T, Preston EA, Rajewsky N, Rätsch G, Rosenbaum H, Rozowsky J, Rutherford K, Ruzanov P, Sarov M, Sasidharan R, Sboner A, Scheid P, Segal E, Shin H, Shou C, Slack FJ, Slightam C, Smith R, Spencer WC, Stinson EO, Taing S, Takasaki T, Vafeados D, Voronina K, Wang G, Washington NL, Whittle CM, Wu B, Yan KK, Zeller G, Zha Z, Zhong M, Zhou X, modENCODE Consortium, Ahringer J, Strome S, Gunsalus KC, Micklem G, Liu XS, Reinke V, Kim SK, Hillier LW, Henikoff S, Piano F, Snyder M, Stein L, Lieb JD, Waterston RH

Science 2010 Dec 24 ;330(6012):1775-87

Jamey Marth is a Professor at Sanford Burnham Prebys. He has also been Director of the Center for Nanomedicine at the University of California Santa Barbara and Professor in the Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology. Dr. Marth received a PhD degree in Pharmacology from the University of Washington where he trained in the laboratories of Roger M. Perlmutter and Edwin G. Krebs. Dr. Marth’s previous positions included Professor of Medical Genetics at the Biomedical Research Center, University of British Columbia; Professor of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of California San Diego; and Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.


1987: PhD, University of Washington, Pharmacology
1984: BS, University of Oregon, Genetics and Chemistry

Honors and Recognition

2017: Karl Meyer Award, Society for Glycobiology
2009-2020: John Carbon Chair in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2009-2019: Duncan and Suzanne Mellichamp Chair in Systems Biology
2009: Julius Stone Lectureship Award: Society for Investigative Dermatology
1995-2009: Investigator Award, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
1991-1995: Faculty Scholarship, The Medical Research Council of Canada

Select Publications

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Pamela Itkin-Ansari earned her PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the University of California San Diego, in 1999. She received postdoctoral training focused on juvenile diabetes at that same organization. In 2003, Dr. Itkin-Ansari was appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics and maintains UCSD as her primary affiliation. Dr. Itkin-Ansari was appointed to Sanford Burnham Prebys as an Adjunct Assistant Professor in 2005 and her laboratory is at the Institute. 

Other Appointments

UC San Diego
Sanford School of Medicine, South Dakota 

Funding Awards and Collaborative Grants

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)
The Hartwell Foundation
The Hirshberg Foundation 

Honors and Recognition

2012: Invited Speaker, (International) Islet Society, Stockholm, Sweden
2012-current: Editorial Board -Islets
2012-current: Diabetes, Islets, PlosOne, Molecular Therapy- manuscript review
2012-current: Wellcome Trust-grant review
2012: Invited Speaker, Hirshberg Symposium – Pancreatic Cancer
2011: Invited Speaker, American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Seattle, Washington
2011: Editorial Board – World Journal of Diabetes
2011: Invited Speaker, UCLA
2011-current: Diabetelogia – manuscript review
2011-current: Editorial Board – World Journal of Diabetes
2010: Invited Speaker, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Switzerland
2010: Editorial Board -Stem Cell Reviews and Reports [SCRR]
2010: Invited Speaker, American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, Washington, D.C
2010-current: Hartwell Foundation Biomedical Research Awardee
2010: Invited Speaker, Pancreatic Cancer Research Group, UCLA
2010-current: Faculty Advisor, SDSU CIRM Bridges Program
2009: Invited Speaker, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
2009: Invited Speaker, UK Consulate Stem Cell Meeting
2009: Finalist-NIH President’s New Innovator Award
2009-current: Advances in Experimental Biology and Medicine – manuscript review
2008: Health Hero Award, JDRF and Combined Health Agencies of San Diego
2008-current: Pancreas – manuscript reviewer
2008-current: JDRF – grant reviewer
2007-current: Stem Cells – manuscript reviewer 

Other Affiliations

2012-current: Islet Society
2010-current: ASGCT
2008-current: Board of Directors, JDRF San Diego chapter
2008-2013: JDRF board of directors, San Diego
2007-current: American Association for Cancer Research
2007-current: American Diabetes Association
2007-current: American Pediatric Society/Society for Pediatric Research
2006-current: AAAS

Select Publications

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