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cryo-em microscope


The newly revamped Cryo-EM core facility located at Sanford Burnham Prebys in La Jolla, California, San Diego area, offers cryo-EM services and instrumentation to both academic and commercial users. State-of-the-art instruments include a ThermoFisher Titan Krios with a Gatan K3 camera, a Tecnai T12 transmission electron microscope, as well as a Vitrobot Mark IV for sample vitrification and preparation. The facility is currently optimized for single particle analysis (SPA) workflows and offers cryo-EM solutions for basic research as well as drug discovery in collaboration with the Conrad Prebys Center at Sanford Burnham Prebys.

Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about our services!

Contact the Facility


  • Full imaging services
    You supply the sample and relevant information. Experienced facility staff will prepare negative stain or vitrified samples, carry out screening, and collect data. Image processing can be done by you or our facility staff.
  • Instrument access only
    You are trained on proper instrument procedures. After that, you can schedule time on the different instruments independently (excluding the Krios).
  • Flexible services
    For example, you can use our sample vitrification system (Vitrobot Mark IV) to prepare cryo-EM sample grids, then facility staff carries out data collection. 

Please contact us to discuss options.

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Equipment & Resources


  • Titan Krios with Gatan K3 direct electron detector
    This 300kV cryo-electron microscope with a 3-condenser lens system is primarily used to collect high-resolution SPA data.
  • Tecnai T12 with Eagle 4K CCD
    This 120kV electron microscope is primarily used for imaging negative stained samples. This is an important step to get samples ready for Cryo-EM or can sometimes be used as the final imaging result.

Sample Preparation

  • Vitrobot Mark IV
    The Vitrobot is a semi-automated vitrification system for Cryo-EM samples. It’s control of process parameters like humidity and temperature can help with preparing reproducible sample grids.

Price List

Full Imaging Service
(facility staff does the imaging etc. for you)
Krios data collection per 24 hours$1,462.05$2,848.29
Krios screening per hour$132.36$257.85
T12 imaging per hour$120.15$234.07
Sample grid preparation using Vitrobot per hour$103.95$202.51
neg. staining grid preparation per hour$85.73$167.01
Usage Rates
(user does the imaging etc. themselves)
Krios per 24 hours$1,140.58$2,222.02
T12 per hour$34.43$67.07
Vitrobot per hour$18.23$35.51
Consultation per hour$87.73$167.01
Training per hour$128.59$250.51
Suppliesat costat cost

Contact the Facility


Laura Koepping, MS
Facility Manager

Jianhua Zhao, PhD
Scientific Director


Please call Laura Koepping at (858) 646-3100 ext 5097 or use the button below to send an email.

Contact the Facility

Protein Analysis

protein structure


The Protein Analysis Core provides a variety of analytical services focused on biophysical characterization of structural and functional properties of proteins in solution, under native, non-denaturing conditions. We perform quality control of protein samples (folding, stability, aggregation); measure molecular weight of proteins, protein complexes, oligomers and assemblies; characterize protein conformation and shape in solution; determine oligomeric state of protein (including stoichiometry and Kd for self-association) and measure protein binding to proteins, peptides, small molecules, compounds, metals, nucleotides and other ligands (including determination of equilibrium (Kd) and kinetic rate (kon, koff) constants, stoichiometry, binding enthalpy and entropy).


  • Analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC)
  • Atomic force microscopy
  • Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
  • Fast kinetics, stopped flow
  • Fluorescence spectroscopy
  • Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC)
  • Microscale Thermophoresis

Equipment & Resources

  • Atomic Force microscope, Agilent 5500 AFM/SPM
  • Analytical ultracentrifuge,BeckmanCoulter ProteomeLab™ XL-I
    In AUC experiment, the effects of G-force on macromolecules (proteins, protein complexes and assemblies, organelles, nano-particles, etc) are monitored in real time via two optical detection systems. Depending on centrifugation speed and molecular weight, macromolecules either form a concentration gradient in the AUC cell, or slowly sediment towards the bottom of the cell. Applications of AUC include molecular weight measurement for proteins and protein complexes; protein to protein binding including Kd determination for self- and hetero-association, characterization of protein shape, oligomerization, aggregation and heterogeneity of protein samples.
  • Differential Scanning Calorimeter, VP Capillary DSC (Microcal/Malvern)
    In DSC experiments, thermal unfolding of proteins is monitored via changes in the heat capacity. These changes are believed to originate from the disruption of the forces stabilizing native protein structure (such as van der Waals, hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions, hydrogen bonds) and the hydration of the exposed residues. Therefore, protein denaturation profiles and thermodynamic parameters obtained from DSC experiments, such as calorimetric enthalpy (H) and denaturation temperature (Tm) are sensitive to the structural state of proteins. Applications of DSC include evaluation of protein folding and effects of mutations and modifications on protein structural properties, optimization of buffer formulations for protein storage and experiments, quality control of protein samples, detection of protein binding to compounds, other proteins, peptides, ligands, etc.
  • Cell homogenizer, Avestin EmulsiFlex-C3
  • Fluorescence spectrometer/fluorometer, BioLogic MOS-250
  • Stopped-flow system, BioLogic SFM-20
  • Isothermal titration calorimeters, Microcal ITC200 and VP-ITC
    ITC is used to measure affinity for interactions of proteins with other proteins, peptides, lipids, nucleotides, saccharides, metal ions, inhibitors, compounds and other ligands. In ITC experiment aliquots of a titrant are injected into the cell containing protein solution. Upon each titration the amount of heat released or absorbed is measured. In addition to the equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd), number of binding sites, binding enthalpy and entropy are determined from each titration. ITC is a truly equilibrium solution method where Kd is measured for native proteins. No labeling or immobilization is required.
  • Monolith NT.115
    The Monolith NT.115 allows measuring every interaction type – ranging from the formation of huge protein complexes to the binding of single metal ions. As there are no prerequisites with respect to the buffer composition, even such complex liquids as serum or lysates can be used for interaction studies. The instrument is equipped with one Nano detector that has two different (blue and red) fluorescence channels.

Price List

For a complete list of services, please call (858) 646-1000 ext. 3515 or email us.

Protein Analysis ServicesInternal
ITC titrationeach$93.50$116.88$126.23$245.91
ITC useday$139.70$174.63$188.60$367.41
MST timeminute$0.34$0.43$0.46$0.89
DSC scaneach$65$81.25$87.75$170.95
AUC timeminute$0.10$0.13$0.14$0.26
AUC sample handling, per celleach$55$68.75$74.25$144.65


Andrey Bobkov, PhD
Facility Manager


Andrey A. Bobkov

Andrey A. Bobkov, Manager of Protein Analysis Facility, performs all analytical services. He has received a MS in Biochemistry from Moscow State University (Russia) and a PhD in Biochemistry from the Bach Institute of Biochemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences. He did his postdoctoral training at UCLA Chemistry and Biochemistry Dept. Andrey has more than 20 years of experience and 40 publications in the field of Biophysical Analysis. He teaches the Protein Analysis and Biophysics portion of the Structural Biology in Cell Signaling and Drug Discovery Course to SBP graduate students.

Please call (858) 646-3100 ext. 3515 or use the button below to send us an email.

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Stem Cells

close-up of stem cells


The Institutional Stem Cell Core has been discontinued, with the functions of the former Core now split into two separate operations. 

  • iPSCs: The generation and characterization of induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) is now being performed on a collaborative basis for both internal and external investigators with the Snyder lab. For information regarding iPSC projects, contact Dr. Evan Snyder.
  • Shared Laboratory: A well-equipped shared laboratory dedicated to the culture and analysis of stem cells is available to SBP investigators. This shared stem cell lab is managed by Chun-Teng Huang, who also manages the adjacent Viral Vectors Core.


Evan Snyder, MD, PhD
Professor and Director
Center for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

Chun-Teng Huang
Associate Director
Viral Vectors


Please use the button below to send us an email.

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cellular image


The Histology Core Facility provides standard and customized research specific histology services including tissue processing, fixed and frozen sectioning. The Facility also offers routine and special histological stains as well as immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence. The Facility maintains and provides training for several pieces of common use equipment, such as paraffin microtome, cryostat, and cytospin. Training is also provided for basic histological techniques such as perfusion and tissue collection. Finished slides are returned to the researcher for evaluation, or they may be digitized using our latest addition, the Aperio Scanscope. The Aperio Scanscope allows not only digitizing of slides for archiving, it also offers powerful image analysis tools as well. A tissue acquisition service assists investigators with regulatory/legal compliance, as well as obtaining and storage of human tissue samples and associated clinical data.


Conventional Histology

  • Aperio high-resolution slide scanning and optional image analysis for bright field and fluorescence samples
  • Routine and custom sectioning
  • Paraffin and frozen samples
  • Standard and special stain (H&E, PAS, silver impregnation)


  • Double labeling of antibodies
  • Immunofluorescence
  • Development of custom protocols (overlay assays, competition assays)
  • Titration and staining of commercial and custom antibodies

Equipment & Resources

  • Aperio Scanscope AT2 and FL systems
  • Leica 3050 S cryostat
  • Leica RM 2125 paraffin microtome
  • Leica BOND-RX automated system for IHC/ISH
  • Leica Autostainer ST5010 for H&E
  • Shandon Cytospin 3
  • Sakura Tissue Tek vacuum infiltration tissue processor
  • Leica EG 1160 paraffin embedding station
  • MMI Cell Cut Laser Microdissection system

Price List

For a complete list of services, please call (858) 646-3100 ext. 3552 or email us.

Histology ServicesInternal
Small Combo/Embed/H&E/5unstainedeach$18$22.50$24.30$47.34
Large Combo/Embed/H&E/10unstainedeach$28$35$37.80$73.64
Additional Sections/Paraffinper slide$5.50$6.88$7.43$14.47
Embedding Only/Paraffineach$6.50$8.13$8.78$14.47
Immuno Staining (IHC or IF)per slide$35$43.75$47.25$92.05
Aperio 20X scanper slide$10$12.50$13.50$26.30
Aperio 40X scanper slide$20$25$27$52.60
Aperio Fluorescence Scanper slide$20$25$27$52.60
Common Cryostatper hour$22.20$27.60$30$58.20


Brooke Emerling, PhD
Scientific Director

Guillermina Garcia
Core Manager


Guillermina (Gia) Garcia

Gia has been with Histology core for the past 8 years. She is responsible for the handling and processing of research samples on a day to day basis. She can answer any questions that you may have about your project. Gia is also skilled in a wide range of immunohistochemistry protocols, as well as a variety of histological staining methods.

Please call (858) 646-3100 ext. 3556 or use the button below to send us an email.

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Cellular Imaging

cancer cells


The Cellular Imaging Facility broadly supports research programs by providing access to sophisticated microscopes for digital imaging, as well as training, assistance and guidance. The core facility offers expertise, training and assistance in advanced biological microscopic imaging techniques and use of complex image processing software, use of well-maintained, aligned, and calibrated microscopic equipment, and troubleshooting of equipment and experimental problems.


  • Single and multiphoton confocal microscopy
  • Live cell imaging
  • Training and consultation
  • Wide field microscopy:
    • Bright field and dark field microscopy
    • Phase and Nomarski differential interference contrast
    • Polarization and epi-fluorescent microscopy
  • Image analysis:
    • Morphometry
    • 3D and 4D rendering
    • Deconvolution

Equipment & Resources

Confocal Microscopy

  • Zeiss LSM 980 AiryScan Microscope System
    The Zeiss LSM 980 Airyscan2 microscope is optimized for spectral multiplexing by simultaneous spectral detection of multiple labels. Adapted illumination and detection schemes allows imaging of most challenging three-dimensional samples with high framerates and beyond the diffraction limit, while still being gentle to sensitive samples
    • 4-line laser launch with 405nm, 488nm, 561nm, and 640nm lasers.
    • light-efficient beam path with up to 36 simultaneous channels and full spectral flexibility from UV into the near infrared (NIR) range
    • 34-channel spectral detector comprised of 1 UV + 32 Visible + 1 Far-red detectors and the Airyscan2 super-resolution detector system
    • AirtScan2 part:
      • 32 detector elements allowing for super resolution quantitative results
      • optimized for spectral multiplexing
      • shorter acquisition times (up to 10x faster)
      • capture of larger view fields or dynamic processes
    • Incubation chamber for live imaging (Co2/Temp/Humidity)
    • Fully automated XY stage with piezo-Z stage for fast scans of slides, dishes, and well plates
  • Nikon N-SIM E Super-Resolution / A1 ER Confocal Microscope System
    • Structured illumination super-resolution microscope combined with enhanced resolution point scanning confocal
    • Nikon’s N-SIM E is a super-resolution system that provides double the resolution of conventional optical microscopes. Combining N-SIM E and the A1 ER confocal microscope allows you the flexibility to select a location in the confocal image, and easily switch to view it in super-resolution, enabling the acquisition of more detail
    • The new system has 10X, 20X, 40X oil, 60X oil, and Super-Res 100X oil objective lenses. N-SIM-E laser lines include 488nm, 561nm, and 640nm. The A1R Hybrid confocal has a 6-line laser launch with 405nm, 445/488/515nm, 561nm, and 640nm lasers
  • LSM 710 NLO Zeiss Multiphoton Laser Point Scanning  Confocal Microscope
    • Four Single Photon Lasers are generating six excitation lines: Ar-ion gas laser produces 457, 488, 514 nm lines and three solid state lasers produce 561, 594 & 633 nm
    • Multi-photon Mai-Tai Laser HB- DeepSee complex system (690-1024nm) dedicated for excitation of multiple fluorophores, including UV excited dyes, such as DAPI
    • CO2 & Thermo Controlled Time lapse system
    • The Microscope operates by ZEN-2011 acquisition/processing package
  • Fluoview-1000 Olympus Laser Point Scanning Confocal Microscope
    • Four Single Photon Lasers provide six excitation lines: diode laser emits 405nm line, Ar-ion laser produces 457, 488, 514 nm, DPSS laser – 561 nm and He-Ne laser – 633 nm
    • Dual SIM Scanner for simultaneous stimulation & registration fluorophores
    • Olympus software provides modules for Spectral Deconvolution; FRAP, FRET and Photo-activation applications
    • CO2 & Thermo Controlled Time lapse system
  • Yokogawa Spinning Disk Laser Confocal Microscope
    • XY and Piezo-Z object stage (ASI 2000-Piezo)
    • Single Photon Kr-Ar laser excites 488, 568 and 647 nm (Melles Griot)
    • Cooled Monochrome CCD Quant EM Camera (Photometrics)
    • MetaMorph (Mol. Devices) software (v.7.7.7)
    • CO2 & Thermo Controlled Time lapse system

Wide Field Microscopy

  • EVOS® FL Auto Imaging System
    • Time-lapse imaging, Image stitching, and Automated cell counting
    • Environmental chamber enabling precise control of temperature and humidity Automated X/Y scanning stage with interchangeable vessel holders for slides, multiwell plates, 35 mm dishes, 60 mm petri dishes, and T-25 flasks
    • Dual cameras: Monochrome: high-sensitivity interline CCD; Color: high-sensitivity CMOS; 3.1 megapixels
    • 4X, 10X, 20X, and 40X air objectives as well as a 60X oil lens
    • Epifluorescence and transmitted light (bright-field and phase-contrast)
    • 7 light cubes (DAPI, GFP, RFP, Texas Red, Cy5, Cy5.5, Cy7) for a wide range of fluorescent antibodies
  • Inverted IX81 Olympus Wide Field and Fluorescence Microscope (FRET)
    • DG4 UV source galvanometer equipped with 300W Xenon lamp, capable for sequential acquisition of 4 excitation channels & 10 position fast (30msec) Emission Filter Wheel (Sutter)
    • FRET & Ca2+ Imaging, DIC
    • XY-linear encoded objective stage ASI 2000(ASI Inc.); Z-IX81 step-motor
    • ZDC ( Zero Drift focus Control, Olympus)) attachment 
    • Cooled Monochrome CCD Cascade 512B FT Camera. (Photometrics Inc.)
    • MetaMorph software, v. 7.7.7 (Mol. Devices)
    • CO2 & Thermo Controlled Time lapse system
  • Inverted IX81 Olympus Wide Field and Fluorescence Microscope (TIRF)
    • Excitation illumination system presented by combination of X-cite 120 Metal halide UV source (EXFO) for the epi-fluorescent microscopy and single photon lasers combiner containing three solid state lasers (488, 561 and 640 nm)
    • XY and Piezo-Z object stage ASI 2000 (ASI Inc.)
    • Excitation & Emission Filter Wheels (Sutter)
    • Cooled, Monochrome CCD QuantEM Camera (Photometrics Inc.)
    • CO2 & Thermo Controlled Time lapse system
  • Inverted IX81 Olympus Wide Field and Fluorescence Microscope
    • XY-Martzhauser Tango objective stage (Martzhauser Inc.); Z-IX81 step-motor
    • Cooled, Color CCD SPOT RT-3 Camera (Diag.Instruments)
    • X-cite 120 Metal Halide UV source (EXFO)
    • Excitation & Emission Filter Wheels (Sutter)
    • CO2 & Thermo Controlled Time lapse system
  • Inverted TE300 Nikon Wide Field, Fluorescence Microscope #1
    • Multiple Fluorescence; Phase and Nomarski DIC contrast.
    • Cooled, Color CCD SPOT RT Camera (Diagnostic Instruments Inc.)
  • Inverted TE300 Nikon Wide Field, Fluorescence Microscope #2
    • Multiple Fluorescence; Nomarski (DIC) contrast
    • XYZ object stage ASI 2000 (ASI Inc.)
    • Cooled Color CCD SPOT RT Camera(Diagnostic Instruments Inc)
    • Thermo Controlled Time lapse system
  • Upright BX50 Olympus Wide Field, Fluorescence Microscope
    • Transmitted light and Triple Fluorescent imaging
    • Cooled Monochrome ORCA ER (Hi Res) camera (Hamamatsu)
  • Software packages
    • Image Pro Plus (Media Cybernetics)
    • Volocity 4D Rendering (Improvision, PerkinElmer)
    • MetaMorph, MetaFluor packages (Mol. Devices)
    • Spot RT Acquisition / Processing Software (Diagnostic Instruments Inc.)
    • ImageJ and IrfanView (free sources imaging packages)

Price List

For a Price List, please call (858) 795-5206 or email us.


Brooke Emerling, PhD
Scientific Director

Leslie Boyd, BS
Facility Manager


Please call (858) 795-5206 or use the button below to send us an email.

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Model Organisms

zebrafish larva


The Facility provides Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans as model systems. The client interested in finding out if their gene or protein of interest has a phenotype can use the Facility to discuss their ideas and how to design the experiments. The Facility also provides training in how to manipulate the organisms, use equipment and provides technician assistance.


  • Provides D. melanogaster and C. elegans as model systems
  • Consultation and assistance for design of experiments
  • Training to handle the organisms and how to use equipment
  • Technician assistance
  • Ordering of flies and worms (RNAi-lines, mutants etc)
  • Provides fly food
  • Provides long time storage of flies and worms

Equipment & Resources

  • Dissecting Microscope Leica MZ16F
  • Apotome Optical Sectioning
  • Time lapse Zeiss Imager .M1

Price List

For a Price List, please call (858) 646-3100 ext. 4186 or email us.


Rolf Bodmer, PhD
Scientific Director

Malene Hansen, PhD
Scientific Director


Please call (858) 646-3100 ext. 4186 or use the button below to send us an email.

Contact the Facility

Animal Facility



The laboratory animal facility encompasses over 25,722 sq. ft. of dedicated animal space in several buildings on our La Jolla campus. The animal facility provides housing for specific pathogen free (SPF) rodents and Zebrafish. Trained animal care technicians provide expertise in animal husbandry, transgenic and knockout mouse breeding colony maintenance and assistance with routine technical procedures. 

Our animal research program is accredited by AAALAC International (the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International. Participating in the AAALAC accreditation program and meeting their rigorous standards demonstrates our commitment to humane and responsible animal research and our dedication to good science.



Boarding animals for outside users may be approved by Sanford Burnham Prebys IACUC on a case-by-case basis. Animals must be shipped directly from an approved commercial breeder facility. Please call or email the Animal Facility Director at (858) 795-5319, email Mary Braxtan, to discuss your animal housing needs. Access to the animal facility may be restricted to Monday through Friday, 7:30am-3:30pm. Husbandry services include cage changing, cage sanitation, feeding standard diets, water bottle exchange, daily health checks. Breeding colony services are also included in the cage per diem rate, and include breeder set-up, weaning of litters, ear notch identification, tissue collection for genotyping, breeding colony database management and colony maintenance.

Technical Procedures

Trained animal technicians are available to assist researchers with routine technical procedures. Assistance with procedures must be scheduled in advance through the Training Manager, Buddy Charbono. Assistance is available Monday through Friday, 8:00am-3:00pm.

Technical Procedure Services Include:

  • Feeding of special diets and supplemental diets: (research lab must supply all special diets)
  • Drug administration and additives to water bottles: (research lab must supply water additives, including antibiotics, chemicals and drugs)
  • Cell and animal irradiations: schedule procedure using iLab
  • Oral gavage/dosing
  • Injections: SC, IP, IV, IM, ID
  • Weighing animals
  • Surgery pre- and post-op care: (surgery set-up, anesthesia, recovery monitoring, fluid administration)
  • Imaging and Analysis: (see the Animal Imaging & Analysis core for imaging instruments and services)
  • Blood collection: variable routes

Equipment & Resources

General Equipment

  • Oxycycler (BioSpherix, Ltd.)
    Atmosphere control system with full range oxygen control (0.1% to 99.9%) and/or CO2 control (0.1% to 20.0%) as well as other bioactive gas control such as CO, NO, and O3. Hypoxia stress can model components of many severe diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, asthma, epilepsy, sleep apnea, or pulmonary infections.
  • Anesthesia machines
  • Cage changing stations and biosafety hoods
  • Stoelting Stereotaxic instrument: frame and microinjection equipment: for performing injections into precise locations in the CNS.
  • Metabolism cages: Four individual cages for monitoring nutrient input and waste output.

Motor and Sensory Analysis

  • Hotplate Analgesia Meter (San Diego Instruments)
    The SDI Hotplate Analgesia Meter performs rapid, precise screening of the effects of narcotic type analgesic drugs (morphine, codeine, etc.) in test subjects.
  • Animal Treadmill (Columbus Instruments)
    Measure mouse locomotor coordination for fear of falling experiments. 6 lanes with shocker for mice.
  • 5 Station Rota-Rod Treadmill (Med Associates)
    ENV-575M USB-mouse. Measure motor coordination and fatigue.
  • Grip-strength Device

Price List

For a Price List, please call (858) 795-5319 or email us.


Alessandra Sacco, PhD
Scientific Director

Mary O’Rourke-Braxtan
Director, Animal Resources

Buddy Charbono
Compliance and Training Manager


Please call (858) 795-5319 or use the button below to send us an email.

Contact the Facility

Animal Imaging and Analysis

zebrafish larva


The animal imaging and analysis lab provides state-of-the-art imaging and analytical services for Sanford Burnham Prebys investigators. The facility can perform in vivo non-invasive luminescence and fluorescence imaging for xenograft tumor growth and metastasis studies. Analytical equipment supports complete blood cell counts (CBC) and analysis of serum components revealing metabolic or organ stress from small samples of mouse blood.


Imaging services can be performed by Sanford Burnham Prebys animal facility specialists. Please schedule your procedures through iLab. We can also provide Luciferin for use with the Xenogen IVIS Spectrum Imaging system and Blood Analysis services, CBCs and blood chemistries.

Appropriate animal health information is needed for external investigators wishing to utilize the imaging facility.

Please contact the Facility Manager, Judy Wade, (858) 646-3100 ext. 3285, to inquire about specific tests that can be performed.

Equipment & Resources

Imaging Lab

IVIS Spectrum Imager (Xenogen)

For non-invasive in vivo imaging of luminescence or fluorescence. Anesthesia system allows analysis of live mice. We use luciferase labeled tumor cells or transgenic reporter mice. We have 9 luciferase labeled cell lines, please contact Judy Wadefor their availability.

VisualSonics Vevo 770 (VisualSonics)

High resolution in vivo ultrasound imaging system includes: Pulsed Wave Doppler, M-Mode, Contrast Software Mode, and 3D Acquisition and Visualization Package. Accessories: Ultrasound Guided Injection System, Anesthesia System and Advanced Physiological Monitoring System. The ultrasound is useful for visualization of embryos in early stage pregnancy; visualization of embryos for organ specific injection in utero; volume measurement of mouse mammary tumors for drug studies with fewer animals; volume measurements of mouse prostate tumors to evaluate tumor development without killing of the animals; potential to image pancreatic tumors; and with the potential for measuring tumor blood flow with contrast agents.

Pearl Imager (LI-COR)

The Pearl Impulse is a near-infrared fluorescent imaging system for small animals. With the Pearl Impulse, researchers can visualize imaging agents in mice dynamically with real-time imaging. The rapid one-button acquisition simultaneously detects 700 nm and 800 nm channels. Please click the links below for more information.

Faxitron MX-20 (Faxitron X-ray Corporation)

X-ray instrument for performing bone densitometry and body composition measurements using a dual-function digital and film imaging system.

Nearby access to MRI, PET/SPECT and CT Imaging through the Molecular Imaging Center at Sanford Consortium.

Analysis lab

  • VetScan HM5 Hematology System (Zoetis) : 22-parameter blood count & clinical chemistry analyzer
  • VetScan VS2 (Zoetis)for blood chemistry, electrolytes, blood gas & immunoassay
  • IDEXX Catalyst One Chemistry : blood & urine 
  • CODA-6 (Kent Scientific): tail-cuff blood pressure system
  • Oxycycler (BioSpherix, Ltd.): for oxygen consumption, CO2 production & hypoxia studies
  • Stereotaxic instrument: microinjection equipment

Price List

For a Price List, please call (858) 646-3100 ext. 3262 or email us.


Alessandra Sacco, PhD
Scientific Director

Judy Wade
Facility Manager


Please call (858) 646-3100 ext. 3262 or use the button below to send us an email.

Contact the Facility

Flow Cytometry

Scientist works with lab equipment


The facility provides access to high-speed cell sorting and analytical flow cytometry in two locations on the Sanford Burnham Prebys campus. Trained investigators have 24-hr/day access to a variety of analytical flow cytometers available for independent use. Core staff provide technical expertise, hardware and software training, operate the facility’s cell sorters and are available to assist with analysis experiments for those who prefer to have their samples run by an expert cytometrist.

Scientists planning a flow cytometry experiment are encouraged to consult facility staff for assistance with protocols, fluorochrome selection or other aspects of experiment design. Sorter and analyzer optical configurations can be viewed here.


High Speed Cell Sorting

  • Sorting into 96 or 384-well PCR plates for single cell sequencing
  • Sorting bulk populations for single cell sequencing using 10X or similar platforms
  • Expertise in calcium flux, cell cycle, side population, and sorting of IPSC and ESC, tumor progenitor and tissue stem cells
  • Performed by facility personnel in two locations
  • Single-cell (clone) sorting into 96 or 384-well plates
  • Simultaneous sorting of up to 4 populations
  • BSL2 biosafety enclosures

Analytical Flow Cytometry

  • Consultation
  • Experiment design
  • Hardware and software training
  • Do-it-yourself 24hr/day, or assisted by appointment up to 18 colors with plate loader
  • Data analysis and interpretation
  • Publication quality figures
  • Assistance with methods sections
  • Pre-publication manuscript review

Equipment & Resources

Cell Sorters

  • BD FACSAriaIIIu 15-color high-speed cell sorter
    • Four solid state lasers (405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, 640nm)
    • BSL2 containment
    • Sort into tubes, 96 or 384-well plates
  • BD FACSAriaIIu 16-color high-speed cell sorter
    • Four solid state lasers (405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, 640 nm)
    • BSL2 containment
    • Sort into tubes, 96 or 384-well plates

Flow Cytometry Analyzers

  • Cytek Aurora full spectrum cytometer
    • Collects cellular fluorescence across the full visible spectrum
    • Allows for highly multiplexed panels with far more colors than a traditional cytometer
    • Autofluorescence can be unmixed to improve sensitivity for highly autofluorescent cells
  • Acea NovoCyte 3000 13-channel analytical flow cytometer
    • 488nm, 405 nm and 640 nm lasers
    • Multi format autosampler
  • BD LSR Fortessa X20 18-color analytical flow cytometer
    • Five solid state lasers (488nm, 637nm, 405nm, 561nm and 355nm)
    • BSL2 containment
    • HTS plate loader for 96 or 384-well plates
  • BD LSRFortessa 14-color analytical flow cytometer
    • HTS plate loader for 96 or 384-well plates
    • Four solid state lasers (405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, 640 nm)

Imaging Flow Cytometers

  • Amnis ImageStreamX MarkII imaging flow cytometer
    • 12 imaging channels (10 colors and 2 brightfield channels)
    • 405 nm, 488 nm and 642 nm laser lines
    • 20x, 40x and 60x objectives
    • 96-well plate loader
    • Extended Depth of Field (EDF) option for spot counting
    • Inspire acquisition software
    • Ideas analysis software


  • FlowJo site license
  • Computer workstations with large monitors and data analysis software
    • FlowJo
    • ModFit LT
    • SpectroFlo
    • IDEAS

Price List

For a complete list of services, please call (858) 646-3100 ext. 3569 or email us.

Flow Cytometry ServicesInternal
FACSAria Sorting, 1st houreach$148$185$200$390
FACSAria Sorting, additional hourshour$85$106$115$224
ImageStreamX II Assisted Usehour$85$106$115$224
ImageStreamX II Independent Usehour$26$32$34$66
LSRFortessa Independent Usehour$35$44$47$92
LSRFortessa Traininghour$65$81$87$170
LSRFortessa + Staff Operatorhour$85$106$115$224


Maximiliano D’Angelo, PhD
Scientific Director

Yoav Altman
Facility Director


The flow cytometry core staff has decades of experience in NCI-designated Cancer Center flow cytometry core labs.

Yoav Altman

Yoav Altman received his BA degree in Integrative Biology from the University of California at Berkeley. He started working with flow cytometry in 2001 at La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology and joined Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute in 2002 as Manager of the Flow Cytometry Shared Resource. He was promoted to Director in 2009, and oversees lab operation. Yoav has over 20 years of experience sorting a variety of cell types including IPSCs, hESCs, immune cells, disaggregated tumors and solid tissues such as cardiomyocytes, hepatocytes, intestinal epithelium, brain tissue, and skeletal muscle. His experience includes a variety of single cell assays including side population, cell cycle, apoptosis determination, immunophenotyping, calcium flux, mitochondrial membrane potential, ROS, fluorescent proteins, and FRET. He is also well versed in optimizing sorting protocols for single cell NGS sequencing using 10x or similar platforms. His current interests include imaging flow cytometry for detection and evaluation of extracellular vesicles and cell-cell interactions. Yoav is available to assist with reagent selection, experiment design, data analysis, protocol development, grant preparation, and writing methods sections for publications.

Please call Yoav at (858) 646-3106 or use the button below to send us an email.

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Tumor Analysis

close-up of pancreas tumor


The Tumor Analysis Service of the Animal Facility provides experienced, dedicated expertise in analyzing animal models of human cancer and other diseases. It provides investigators access to a wide variety of human cancer cell lines for xenograft studies, some primary human xenograft models and additional transgenic mouse solid tumors and leukemia models. Solid tumors are typically initiated by subcutaneous or orthotopic transplantation of cultured cells, frozen viable tumors or fresh transplanted tumor tissue. Experimental compounds or other host manipulations are administered and tumor size, metastases, histopathology and blood chemistry are evaluated.

The core also offers serial passaging of tumors and derivation of 2D and 3D cultures from xenograft tumors, including patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models. Such short-term cell cultures established from PDXs enable in vitro analysis, including high throughput screening with compounds or RNAi for functional characterization.

The service serves as a resource of materials, expert advice and practical training. One advantage of this service for investigators will be the competent performance of sophisticated in vivo tumor analysis rapidly before the necessary analytical and surgical techniques are perfected within the investigator’s laboratory.


Formulation Advice

For some compounds, we can provide advice and experience with formulation so it can be administered in a biologically active form.

Maximum Tolerated Dose

We can perform standard protocols for determining the maximum tolerated dose in mice. This can also provide tissue and blood for determination of compound availability. Analysis of human tumors in immune deficient mice.

Our initial services include xenograft studies in immune compromised mice using imaging and clinical chemistry instruments. We provide expertise in the use of current human tumor cell line models and will extend to you the options of using new and/or improved models as they become available. 

Tumors may be initiated from cell cultures, frozen viable tumors or live tumor bearing animals if available.

Analysis of Mouse Tumors in Immune Competent Hosts

We will soon be offering the use of several mouse tumors. These will be tumors frozen as viable tissue. Transplantation of cohorts of mice with tumor tissue or cells will result in the development of groups of animals with similar sized tumors for drug treatment. We will offer tumors from MMTV-PyMT and MMTV-Wnt1 mammary tumors. The advantage of these is normal microenvironment that includes a competent immune system.

Final Reports

A written summary of the experiment is provided including all primary data, secondary graphs, fixed and frozen tissues.

Tumor and Cell Line Resource

Human tumor cells engineered to express high levels of luciferase are available through the Animal Imaging Service. Additional human and mouse tumor lines are available through Tumor Analysis. Many of these are part of the NCI 60 collection of human tumors.

Technical Training in Animal Tumor Methods

Training in methods of compound administration include intraperitoneal injection, intravenous injection, and oral gavage. The Animal Facility also provides training in some of these methods.

Equipment & Resources

For Equipment information, please call (858) 646-3100 ext. 3257 or email us.

Price List

For a Price List, please call (858) 646-3100 ext. 3147 or email us.


Darren “Ben” Finlay, PhD
Scientific Director


Please call (858) 646-3100 ext. 3147 or use the button below to send us an email.

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