Sanford Burnham Prebys is gearing up for next year’s Padres Pedal the Cause (PPTC), an annual fundraising race that invites participants to cycle, spin, run or walk to support cancer research in the San Diego area. The event, scheduled for April 9, 2022, at Petco Park, is currently planned to be held in person for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic.
Leveraging the power of San Diego
PPTC was founded in 2013 by two-time lymphoma survivor Bill Koman and his wife, Amy. Thankful for the lifesaving care that Bill received, the Koman family was determined to pay it forward to ensure that others had the same outcome. With this goal in mind, the couple created PPTC, a cancer fundraising cycling challenge operating in partnership with the San Diego Padres.
Since the inaugural ride of PPTC, the organization has raised more than $15 million and funded 73 collaborative research projects in San Diego, including six clinical trials. They’ve also expanded and grown, merging with the Immunotherapy Foundation under a new name: Curebound.
Together, these two organizations share the belief that discovering a cure for cancer can be made possible by harnessing the unique power of San Diego—home to three nationally recognized National Institutes of Health cancer institutions and a renowned pediatric hospital. Last year, Curebound welcomed two new research partners: La Jolla Institute for Immunology and Scripps Research. They join Sanford Burnham Prebys, Moores Cancer Center at UC San Diego, the Salk Institute, and Rady Children’s Hospital in collaborating to accelerate cancer research into cures.
A pivotal year for Padres Pedal the Cause
This is an important year for PPTC. After a record-breaking event in 2019—which had almost 3,000 participants and raised more than $3 million—COVID-19 presented challenges. The next PPTC event wasn’t held until spring 2021, moving to a virtual format due to the pandemic.
That event had 1,578 participants and raised $1.5 million. And while these numbers demonstrate the commitment of the Pedal the Cause community to continue their good work despite the pandemic, the amount is less than that received for the 2019 event, demonstrating the obstacles the community faced to raise those funds.
Now, PPTC is ready to ride at full speed for the first time in more than two years.
Join Team Sanford Burnham Prebys
Padres Pedal the Cause ’22 will take place on April 9, 2022, at Petco Park, and registration is now open for the Sanford Burnham Prebys team. Whether you’re ready to ride, run, walk, spin, participate virtually or even just cheer from the sidelines, 100% of every dollar raised funds lifesaving cancer research.
Ride with Sanford Burnham Prebys this April, and help us create a world without cancer.